Meet The Team

Meet our team of compassionate and driven individuals who work hard each day to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities!

Meet the Founders

Jeannette Kah Le Guil

Roselyne Le Guil

Our goal is simple: to be the main source of support for people with disabilities who might be in need of help and advice.

For the thousands of people with disabilities in the United States who don’t have access to facilities that can help them achieve their life mission, Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services provides them with training and information on how their lives can be made easier.

While differently abled, we don’t let our community members view that disability as a problem. Instead, we show them how they’re still perfectly able to achieve whatever they set their mind to. It’s just that their road to success is a little different than everyone else’s.

DIDEPAS is here to improve the lives of our youth, children, girls, and women with disabilities in any way we can!

The Team

Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services has been created by some of the most brilliant, compassionate, and skilled individuals. They have years of experience working directly with people affected by various difficulties. They have witnessed first-hand the hardships and barriers faced by the differently-abled due to their physical or intellectual disabilities. Learn more about these amazing people below!

  • Adrienne Smith, MBA, Inclusive Social Services Advocate and Mediator
  • Barbara A. Simmons, J.D., CEO, Strategic Advisor and International Consultant at BA Simmons International, LLC
  • Charles D. Sharp, Founder & CEO, Black Emergency Managers Association
  • Charlotte Gah, CEO,Travel Business Entrepreneur; Autism Advocate
  • Chief Eric Nfom, Founder & CEO, Equal Rights International, Post-Polio Syndrome Specialist
  • Belarsi Safiatou Ouattara, Biologiste,Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS
  • Esther Riverson, Ph.D, CEO, CITA Foundation, Inclusive Educator specialized in teaching the Blind and visually impaired children, and underprivileged children
  • Kade Kegbe,Financial Specialist, Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS
  • Kla Patrice Kloe, Economist, Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS
  • Marc Gbell, Directeur G?n?ral du Cabinet International d?Ing?nierie et de Conseil, Social-Environmentalist and Social Safeguards Specialist,
  • Issi Yvonne Gueye, CEO, EGITECS, Electrical Engineering, Autism Advocate
  • Jeannette Kah Le Guil, Disability Interdisciplinary Specialist, Founder & CEO, Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services, DIDEPAS
  • Jeffery Bowden, President, United Deaf Ministries, CEO, Sign Language Education, Training and Interpreting Services ? Deaf-Inclusive Community
  • Jean-Claude Le Guil, Teacher, Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS
  • Jean-Philippe Le Guil, Management, Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS
  • John Riverson, Ph.D, Director, CITA Foundation, Civil (Transportation) Engineering
  • Pius K. Kamau, MD, General Surgeon and Cardiovascular Disease (Cardiology) Specialist, President, Africa America Higher Education Partnerships, (AAHEP)
  • R?v. Dr. Yay? Robert DION, Pr?sident ? Fondateur, Eglise Protestante Baptiste Oeuvres et Mission Internationale, EPBOMI
  • Robert Tia, Founder & CEO, Children?s Life in Rural Area, CLiRA
  • Roselyne Le Guil, Co-Founder, DIDEPAS, Cerebral Palsy Specialist
  • Salomon Samen, Ph.D, Econometrics and International Business, President and CEO, Consulting, Realty and Finance Company, SSAM
  • Sansah Dah, President, F?d?ration Ivoirienne des Associations des Sourds-Aveugles, FIASA ? Conf?d?ration des F?d?rations des Personnes Handicap?es de C?te d?Ivoire
  • Sefakor Komabu-Pomeyie, Ph.D, CEO, Enlightening and Empowering People with Disabilities in Africa
  • Valentin Dienoue Kah, Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS, Hearing loss Specialist
  • ProsperGnyonroux Kah, Insurance Specialist, SuddenLife,Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services – DIDEPAS