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ETNAD3 (Entreprise Nationale et de la Diaspora pour le D?veloppement Durable)
National and Diaspora Enterprise for Sustainable Development

The modern era of increasing global mobility presents a unique challenge for the world population. ETNAD3 (Entreprise Nationale et de la Diaspora pour le D?veloppement Durable) seizes the opportunities offered to trade with the United States for inclusive growth to help reduce poverty among African women, keeping in mind the tremendous potential of the enterprise, remittance, and investment from the Diaspora to the home country and their host community.

Sustainable development is achieved when individuals develop and flourish in harmony with their environment which encompasses access to systems including education, health care, justice, food, sanitation, and clean water, transport, and accessibility, sports, cultural beliefs, jobs and employment, financial and banking, electricity, recreation, travel and tourism, accessible housing, accessible cities and mobility, technology, investment, family reproduction, civil rights, political and voting power, commerce, and entrepreneurship.

DIDEPAS is working with ETNAD3 to establish an inclusive and productive community for the within the Diaspora in the U.S. and African women and help make their dreams of a better life a reality. Through its many partners, for example, Shop.Com, Market America, ETNAD3 facilitates and accompanies women entrepreneurs in their export-import process to and from the USA.

ETNAD3?s offers include:

1.Consulting Services in the areas of:

  1. Education, health, and disability-inclusive development
  2. Climate change and disaster management
  3. Promotion of peace and building of inclusive communities for development
  4. Promotion of socioeconomic growth and development of sustainable societies

2.Engaging in trade through export-import of all manufactured, medical products, assistive technology products or any other products that can contribute to human social and economic development

3.Engaging in inclusive housing ? Habitat for All ? to help address homelessness and reduce poverty and boost prosperity

4.Trading personal care products in the areas of dietary supplements; weight management products

5.Promoting women?s entrepreneurship

6.Increase productivity and quality of products tailored to US consumer demand to better compete in the US market

7.Developing partnerships with US companies in all sectors across the board

DIDEPAS collaborates with?ETNAD3 to help people with disabilities who want to become entrepreneurs and to promote persons with disabilities and reduce their unemployment rate.

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