Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPD)


FIASA (Fédération Ivoirienne des Associations des Sourds-Aveugles)
Ivorian Federation of Associations of the Deaf and Blind

FAOBEACI (Fédération des Associations pour le Bien-être des personnes Albinos de Côte d'Ivoire) – Federation of Associations for the Welfare of People with Albinism in Côte d'Ivoire

There are over three million people with disabilities among African Ivorian communities. According to a survey, the most common disabilities found within these communities include physical handicaps and hearing impairments.

Differently abled people in African Ivorian communities are highly stigmatized, often facing barriers to basic human rights such as healthcare, access to education, and inclusion within the socioeconomic fabric of society.

Even with several public and private initiatives that aim to improve their lives, differently-abled people still experience unequal economic growth and still face discrimination and marginalization based on their disabilities.

FIASA, or Ivorian Federation of Associations of the Deaf and Blind, was created to promote the rights of Deaf-Blind Ivorians.

FIASA and DIDEPAS have been collaborating over the past few years to change legislation and encourage policies that will guarantee the inclusion of the deaf and blind members of the Ivorian community.

We also organize awareness and advocacy events about the inclusion and integration of the Deaf-Blind in the community and promote equal access in every aspect of their lives.

To create awareness of the needs of hundreds of people living with albinism, in Africa and the U.S., DIDEPAS also works alongside FAOBEACI (Fédération des Associations pour le Bien-être des Personnes Albinos de Côte d'Ivoire – Federation of Associations for the Welfare of Albino People in Côte d'Ivoire). DIDEPAS' efforts are aimed at providing better integration for people with albinism in the communities and various establishments and ensuring improved dermatological and visual health for them.

The purpose of our partnership with FIASA and FAOBEACI is to help build inclusive communities and ensure inclusion and equal access to education, vocational and employment training, health, information, and culture for all disabled individuals and persons with albinism within the Ivorian African communities.


Le BURNI-CI est une association participative ? l?effectivit? de l??galit? des chances et ? l?autonomisation des personnes en situation de
handicap. Le BURNI-CI travaille dans le domaine de l??ducation inclusive, permettant aux enfants en situation de handicap et ceux en
difficult?s d?avoir un acc?s facile a l??cole et d??tre dans la m?me classe et enseign? dans la langue des signes. Le BURNI-CI fait la
promotion de l?auto-emploi des personnes en situation de handicap ceux-ci dans le souci de les enlever dans la mendicit?.


The Alliance Inclusive Academie (AIA) is a DIDEPAS initiative dedicated to the social and professional inclusion of persons with disabilities. It offers various services to support employers and decision-makers in creating inclusive and welcoming work environments.

AIA's approach strengthens diversity within organizations, enhances their reputation as inclusive companies, and creates a work environment where all employees feel valued and supported. This diversity fosters creativity and innovation.

To support the professional development of employees with disabilities, AIA offers mentoring programs that connect employees with disabilities to mentors who help them achieve their professional goals and overcome specific challenges they may face. Workshops and resources are also provided to improve communication skills and resilience strategies.

AIA plays a crucial role in raising awareness and providing training on inclusion. It helps educate staff about diverse types of disabilities, breaking down prejudices and promoting an inclusive corporate culture. It also supports the career development of employees with disabilities throughout their professional journey.

Additionally, AIA offers continuous training for staff on disability-related issues, helping them better understand and manage the specific needs of their colleagues with disabilities, thereby fostering better integration within the company.

AIA also assists employers and decision-makers in recruiting, retaining, and integrating individuals with disabilities. It implements inclusive recruitment practices to encourage applications from people with disabilities and offers integration programs that facilitate the insertion of new employees with disabilities.

Furthermore, AIA provides strategic training for decision-makers and employees, integrating the dimension of disability into sustainable development policies. This training prepares decision-makers and collaborators to better understand this reality in their daily work, contributing to more inclusive and sustainable policies.

Finally, AIA helps recruit persons with disabilities, develop inclusive recruitment processes, and collaborate with foundations to strengthen initiatives that support employees with disabilities and their families.

The Alliance Inclusive Academie is a key player in strengthening employee capabilities and supporting employers in better integrating persons with disabilities. It creates a welcoming and innovative work environment while promoting inclusion and diversity.

How you can help

Your contributions can help in the following ways:

Supporting mentorship initiatives: Financial support can help expand mentorship programs, providing more opportunities for employees with disabilities to receive guidance and support in their career development.

Enhancing resources: Contributions can be utilized to develop and distribute resources that improve communication skills and resilience strategies among employees with disabilities.

Raising awareness: Donations can aid in campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

Developing inclusive policies: Financial support can assist in creating and implementing inclusive recruitment practices and sustainable development policies.

Supporting families: Contributions can also go towards initiatives that support the families of employees with disabilities, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to inclusion.

By supporting the Alliance Inclusive Academie, donors can significantly impact creating more inclusive and diverse workplaces, fostering innovation, and promoting social and professional inclusion for people with disabilities.

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