Having access to quality education is the basic human right of any person. Unfortunately, persons with disabilities often have no access to even basic education let alone higher education and training.
According to the latest statistics, there are over 1 billion people living with disabilities in the world today. An estimated 10% are children that have special educational and physical needs. However, UNICEF estimates that 9 out of 10 children in the developing world don't have access to education. This is a serious problem as the lack of education prevents people with disabilities from leading normal lives.
Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services is working hard to ensure everyone has access to equal education opportunities with our educational support for disabled children and educational programs for disabled persons.
At Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services, our philosophy is to provide access to basic and higher education for all individuals regardless of their physical, mental, and financial limitations. Our mission is to expand the accessibility of quality education and skills training to people with disabilities by offering innovative programs, tools, and resources.
Children with learning disabilities such as autism, dyslexia, and down syndrome have special educational requirements that DIDEPAS is dedicated to providing.
Regardless of the disability, we treat each person with the respect, dignity, and compassion they deserve. Our programs and awareness campaigns are conducted on a global scale with one goal?empowering people with disabilities by providing access to education!
For more information regarding our educational programs and training sessions, get in touch with our team of dedicated and passionate volunteers today!
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