Inclusive Faith and Religious Communities

Supportive inclusion of individuals with disabilities and their families within religious communities!


People with various physical and mental disabilities all over the world often face rejection and exclusion by the members of religious communities. Most faiths promote the love for fellow man and love and support members who are differently-abled. However, some faith communities use bias and cultural stigma surrounding disabilities to exclude and marginalize those who need their help the most. At DIDEPAS, we strive to remove the stigma and challenges faced by the disabled and help them integrate within the disability faith communities in their areas.

With over 20 million people with disabilities living in the United States, it's essential to ensure their inclusion in the faith communities. Unfortunately, people with disabilities are much less likely to attend religious services and events due to various barriers such as communication issues, lack of accessible architecture in religious buildings, or attitudinal accessibility to places of worship.

As a result, persons with disabilities have a high rate of depression and suffer from poor quality of life. They become more isolated and feel disconnected from the community.

Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services has taken on the challenge of educating people and bring about awareness of accessible faith communities for people with disabilities. We help the differently-abled participate in religious communities and assist in removing physical barriers that prevent them from going to their preferred place of worship.

We also work with local faith communities and host charitable drives and fundraisers to help the differently-abled within that community. We encourage the religious leaders within various faith communities to take upon the role of advocate and ensure the inclusion of their differently-abled community members by supporting the person and inspiring their congregation to do the same.

Faith can move mountains!

We believe every person has the right to practice any faith they want and respect their choices. To learn more about the religious communities we work with, get in touch with us now!

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