Financial Inclusion

Striving to achieve disability inclusion within the banking and financial sector!


According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 15% of the world's population has some form of disability. Yet, less than 1% of the clients of micro finance institutions that cater to the financially excluded people in the world are persons with disabilities.

Differently-abled persons are some of the most marginalized and struggling demo graphical groups in the United States. There is a distinct shortage of financial help for the disabled and the financial exclusion and lack of access to resources necessary for economic self-sufficiency have made people with disabilities more vulnerable than ever. DIDEPAS offers various financial services for persons with disabilities to help them become more financially independent.

Like many other overlooked groups, people with disabilities need access to financial resources and tools such as savings products, insurance, and credit facilities. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities require support and assistance to understand simple financial management concepts and techniques. The lack of broad-scale initiatives to increase financial independence and barriers to financial inclusion has led to a high poverty rate and financial dependence within the disabled community.

At Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services, one of our main goals is to ensure equal and fair access to quality financial services and products for all persons with disabilities.

We help the differently-abled become more financially self-sufficient by offering various programs and skills training that teach basic financial concepts and how to manage the finances.

We also offer various tools and services to assist them in handling their finances and accessing banking services.

We are also working towards raising awareness of inclusive financing and educating the financial sector regarding the barriers faced by the differently-abled within the banking and finance sector.

Our team of creative and passionate volunteers is collaborating with various organizations to create assistive technology and tools, which will help people with cognitive, physical, visual, or speech impairment meet their financial needs.

DIDEPAS also hosts regular fundraisers to support persons with disabilities and arrange sound financial help for those who need it!

To learn more about our financial independence initiative for the differently-abled, get in touch with us and become a part of changing the world for good!

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