Jobs and Employment

Ensuring equal opportunity for persons with disabilities to become economically self-sufficient!

Disabled business executive in wheelchair using digital tablet in office

When it comes to job and employment opportunities for the differently-abled, very little has changed in the 27 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed.?People with disabilities are still facing huge barriers to obtaining gainful employment, such as reduced earnings, lack of proper education and skill development, limited access to healthcare, personal bias, and significant additional expenses. DIDEPAS disability employment programs provide employment opportunities for disabled adults and ensure they get equal chance of employment as those without physical and mental limitations.

According to a survey, less than 40% of Americans with disabilities have jobs compared to over 76% of people without disabilities.

This is a significant gap and has lead to high levels of economic insecurity and hardships and higher poverty rates among people with disabilities. Even with the Americans with Disabilities Act in effect, companies are apprehensive about hiringpersons with disabilitiesbecause it can cost them more to provide proper access and accommodations.

At Disability Inclusive Development Programs And Services, we know that persons with disabilities often make the best employees and have excellent skills that can be beneficial for any organization they work for. We are also aware f the social stigma and various other barriers that make finding a job a challenge for the differently-abled.

Our team of dedicated and knowledgeable individuals is committed to making sure that all people with disabilities have the right to become economically self-sufficient and have equal opportunity when it comes to finding gainful employment. We want to empower the differently-abled to earn and save by ensuring access to services that allow them to work and live independently.

We provide various training programs and workshops to help adults with disabilities learn new skills and get the required education that will help them secure a good job. We also help them create resumes, find jobs, and file any discrimination or harassment complaints against their employers.

We also offer various employment resources such as counseling, vocational training, and financial support to remove any barriers to employment, accessibility, and education faced by people with disabilities.

Our awareness campaigns are focused on eradicating discrimination and stigma when it comes to hiring people with physical or mental limitations. For more information on the various training programs and employment services we offer for adults with disabilities, get in touch with our team today!

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